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الاثنين، 26 يوليو 2010

One Week Marketing - Very Popular Online Marketing Plan.

"How A Frustrated, Over-Worked Georgia Mom
Accidentally Stumbled Upon The Exact Steps To
Making $154,819.96 A Year As A Super Affiliate,
Using All FREE Methods & Working From Home!

If you've ever wanted a true paint-by-numbers system that
leverages free-to-use web properties across the Internet, creating powerful money-sucking profit streams for you, then read on . . .


My name's Jennifer, but I'm better known as PotPieGirl.

In just a moment, I'm going to show you the secrets behind daily online earnings like this:

Imagine rolling out of bed, turning on your computer, and seeing an account like that.

You see, being able to make $154,819.96 from home . . . or from the beach . . . or from your mother-in-law's (ok, maybe not there!) has allowed my family so many precious gifts, whether it's the flashier things like the new car we purchased this past year, or the weeklong vacation - both paid in full.

We golf where we want, and when we want. Christmas this past year was the best ever, and it was all paid for in cash.
And we're just sending our daughter off to college and you guessed it, no financing needed.

I don't say any of this to brag . . . It's just that I understand what it's like to be on the other side of the fence - not being able to afford brand name . . . well, anything.

Going without haircuts so that the kids could have theirs... Rarely ever seeing what a full tank of gas looked like.
It's the times like those when I would promise that I'd gladly help as many people as I could to elevate their lifestyle and their choices, if only I could first find a way to do it for myself.

So Who The Heck Is PotPieGirl, Anyway?

It all started in February of 2007 when my husband came from work and I, with the subtlety of announcing that we were having chicken for dinner, told him that I was going to make money online!

There was only ONE problem . . .

I didn't even have a clue about how to actually make money on the Internet, much less how to make a website. (You should've seen the look he gave me when he caught me staring at a completely blank, white screen and I told him that I was making a website!)

Like so many others out there, I was simply overwhelmed with the sheer volume of Internet marketing information available, and each "overnight success guru" pitching me their latest miracle cure . . .

How A Few Bucks Worth Of Post-It Notes
Turned Into A Massive Profit Windfall!

I was this close to joining the 95% Club - you know, the 95% of Internet markets who enter and leave the business without ever turning a dime of profit . . .

I had mountains of Post-it notes surrounding my computer, threatening to overtake my small, cramped workspace. On each one, the results of my trial-and-error attempts to make money online.

I just couldn't let it get the best of me - I grit my teeth and pushed on, vowing never to let my attempt at online success get the best of me.

And then it happened . . .

One of my campaigns started to make sales! I was absolutely shocked - I couldn't believe I'd made my first few dollars online.

Searching through my Post-its, I found the exact step-by-step system I had used to create this successful campaign, and so I tried it again, sure that I couldn't possibly repeat such a lucky outcome a second time.

A week and a half went by and then . . . it happened again! I shrieked for joy, realizing that I hadn't fallen into a bit of good luck, but rather a paint-by-numbers simple, repeatable system that I could use again and again.

Each time, it works like a champ, and has brought me to the level of success that you've now seen in my earnings screenshot.

Now don't worry - you don't need your own Mountain-O'-Post-Its (™), and you certainly don't need to spend all of the time that I did . . .

Read on and discover how I've created a step-by-step system so simple to use, that truly anyone can short-cut their way to making real money online!

Do You Want To Make More
While Working Less? Here's How . . .

Ever heard of passive income? Instead of trading time for money, I find it much more enjoyable to work once and continue to reap the benefits.

What's almost as good . . . I discovered how to leverage absolutely free traffic from one of the Internet's largest powerhouses, sending qualified leads to other people's products, while you collect a commission check.

That means:
  • No product creation
  • No customer service emails or phone calls
  • No warehousing or shipping inventory
  • No cold calling or sales quotas
  • No set schedule
  • No Boss!
Sound too good to be true?

I hear ya! Trust me, at times I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not imagining the money I'm making . . .
But it is true, it's very real, and I can show you how to do it, too!

In fact, I've already done all the hard work for you.

I've taken all of my techniques and proprietary methods and packaged it into one easy-to-use system called
One Week Marketing.

Here's What One Week Marketing
Will Do For You . . .

Instead of weighing you down with all kinds of Internet Marketing "theory," I'm going to give you the step-by-step information you need to create multiple streams of passive income, and without paying a dime out of pocket.

Here's how it works: Every element of One Week Marketing is broken down into daily items that last . . . yes, you guessed it, a total of one week. :) With my system, there's no worrying about becoming overwhelmed. Just pull up that day's action plan and follow the simple steps and you'll be well on your way to making money.

Here's what that means: I've taken all the guesswork and frustration out of making money online for you. It's almost like having me take you by the hand and showing you how to plug in each piece of the puzzle and making money for you.

Here's just a sample of what you're about to experience . . .
  • The Steps to Starting a Successful Online Business with no money to invest - How to get on the ground and running with no money out of pocket. (Page 11)

  • One of the most closely-guarded secrets for gathering dynamite niche market intelligence - One of the simplest, most effective ways to gather niche market ideas, and it's been hiding right under your nose the whole time . . . (Page 27)

  • A virtually fool-proof method to Get Your Content Indexed Fast, often within just hours. While others are still waiting to get their sites picked up by the search engines, you're already off to the races, pulling in qualified traffic. (Page 30)

  • An absolutely CRUCIAL warning for those using Squidoo - Don't even think about making another lens until you read this! (Page 35)

  • What to do when your content disappears from Google . . . Been a victim of the "Google Sandbox?" Discover how to get your content back in the Index and back to making money for you. (Page 58)

  • The must-have tools to augment your online success - Because there's simply no reason to spend countless hours slaving over your content. Use these online tools to boost your productivity while slashing the time you spend working ... (Pages 61-64)

  • The 6 "Hot Spots" on a Squidoo lens - Discover how to make Google fall in love with your lens... The 6 step formula to send your lens on a one-way ticket up the rankings! (Page 23)

  • CAUTION - Why using social bookmarking services on your lens may actually cause more harm than good... Be sure to get the straight facts before you consider bookmarking your next lens. (Page 42)

  • A simple, no-nonsense way to ask Google what it thinks your webpage is about. In just a single minute, you'll be able to crack the "relevancy" code for good! (Page 44)

  • Conducting proper market research before ever touching a website!
    Beware -
    The Internet is chock-full of failed marketing attempts with the "best of intentions." Know for a fact that you're selling to a hungry crowd! (Page 47)

  • Leveraging your traffic's search patterns for smashmouth blog and article titles. How to use your current traffic to pinpoint ways to catch more of your market and stop them dead in their tracks! (Page 50)

  • Tired of watching your Ezine Articles fall from grace, never to return to ranking glory again? Discover how to keep them pinned up at the top of the search results, never failing to deliver you more traffic. (Page 54)

  • Gain immediate and lasting focus - How to tune out the "shiny things" online
    that are robbing you of your productivity, and your profits. (Page 57)

  • How too MUCH content can work against you... Content may be king, but overkill will poison your marketing efforts! (A Conversation With Nick, Page 7)
And that's just a small sample of what's waiting for you inside. . .

You see, I've carefully sculpted each section of the One Week Marketing course to short-cut your path to having a successful online business.

It doesn't matter if you barely know how to put up a website . . .

Haven't been doing this "Internet Marketing" thing for long . . .

. . . Don't know how to write a compelling story.

If you don't even know how to pick a good niche market . . .

. . . Have driven every attempt to make money online straight into the ground.

The only thing that matters is that you have the desire to succeed and are ready to get started.

So, are you?

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